Sketcherei Burlesque Lifedrawing

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About Sketcherei

Welcome to our community of lifedrawing enthusiasts, artists with and without academic background, who can improve their skills, loosen their hand and enjoy the drawing process.
Unlike classical lifedrawing, Sketcherei's sessions are taking place in the bars, where performers are taking stage as a model. The music is playing, performer dancing and freezing for the short poses, after the pose is over the sketchers are clapping and cheering. The session consists of 2 parts with different costumes, and each half is inspired by a certain burlesque act combined with a playlist to get you in the better mood. In the end everyone is welcome to put their drawings on the stage, cause there is a chance to win something - Performer chooses the winners. The goal of Sketcherei is to connect artists - sketchers and performers - around the globe. The focus of every session is catching the motion and dynamic of the human body, but Sketcherei always has performance at the heart of everything.

Artists impressions

Nadja, @ohsominty
I think I have been around for about 2 years! I bumped into one of the organizers at an event and then I started coming regularly. It was love at first session! Sketcherei is the best life drawing in Berlin because the models are fantastic performers, the location is fun and cabaret is always present. I have lots of options to learn... Read More
Siri, @siriberlin_drawings
I love the atmosphere of life drawing sessions. A creative crowd get’s inspired by another human being. To see the diversity in the artistic expression on the side of the models as well as on the side of the drawers is impressive and very inspiring. In life drawing, I can experiment with new mediums and new styles quickly and this is often inspired by colleagues who are drawing with me.
Tiziano, @tiziopolis
Sketecherei has been a great discovery for me: since 2020 I have been enjoying Monday's burlesque sketching more or less regularly, and I love it! I like the mix of performance and posing, the great costumes, the music, and the overall playfulness of the event. I've also made a few friends on the way and it's always a pleasure to meet... Read More
Vibe, @vibekiil
I started going about two years ago. What I really like is that it’s not just sitting down and drawing a model in a pose. It’s fun and lively, and a sense of interacting with the models as you whoop and cheer as they do their brilliant things on stage.
Niall, @fstoptours
I love the choice of models. I love that it's known weeks in advance. I love the close group that attends the events its cosy for me. We are all clearly excited about who is coming to model. The music is always excellent. The location of August is great!


Founder of Sketcherei
My name is Alexandra Ru, also known as Barsketcher. I live in Berlin for 9 years, originally from Moscow, Russia. My main job is designing digital products, but painting and drawing are my passion. I organize lifedrawings since 2018 and came up with idea of Burlesque lifedrawings in 2020. I’m organizing Burlesque lifedrawings every Monday in the nicest Burlesque Bar Zum Starken August and inviting the best performers in town to pose for Sketcherei.

Session Rules

Free entry instead of refund
The ticket to the sessions are Non-refundable. If you can't join the session and already bought the ticket, drop me an email (, you'll have an opportunity to attend another session for free instead.
Buy drinks
The sessions do take place in the bar, please support them by buying drinks. It will also loosen up your drawings!
Student discount
If you buy a reduced ticket - bring student ticket to show on the doors.
Drawing supplies
Bring your own drawing supplies! I do have only basic sketching materials to share - paper and penceils
Photos and videos
If the model don't mind, you are allowed to take pictures and videos. Please tag @sketcherei and the model if you share photos on social media. During the session I take photos and videos of the session, to share them on social media later. If you don't want to be on the pictures, please let me know before the session.
Social media
After the session please share your drawings on social media and tag @sketcherei and the model.
Don't be late!
If you can't come on time, drop me a message, so I can save you the seat.
Respect the model, the organisers and other sketchers. There is no place for racism and homophobia. If you feel any Corona symptoms, please stay at home.

Next session

Don't miss a chance to draw best performers of Berlin with us

Contact us

If you do have any questions do not hesitate to contact us